Program Areas

Program Areas


Global Governance


 We need to promote the democratization of globalization, before globalization destroys the foundations of national and international democracy. The establishment of a Parliamentary Assembly at the United Nations has become an indispensable step to achieve democratic control of globalization. — former UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros Ghali

We advocate global institutions that are democratic and effective

We consider parliamentary representation of the world’s population at the global scale an essential part of democracy.

As a first step towards a world parliament, a consultative UN Parliamentary Assembly should be created. We coordinate the campaign that is working on this goal.

Democracy Without Borders supports efforts towards strengthening trust between governments and improving global collaboration on global challenges such as climate change.

We want the United Nations to be an inclusive, democratic, representative and effective organization that provides adequate ways of participation to civil society and other major stakeholders.

We support changes that enable the UN to fulfill its mandate in the best interest of humanity. We endorse a process of stocktaking, reform and transformation that eventually leads to a review of the UN’s charter and a world organization fit for the 21st century and beyond.

"We The Peoples" campaign

DWB together with CIVICUS and Democracy International is convenor of the “We The Peoples” campaign for inclusive global governance, a common platform to promote a UN Parliamentary Assembly, a UN World Citizens’ Initiative and a High-Level UN Civil Society Envoy.

Campaign for a UNPA


DWB is collaborating with groups across the world in this program area. We are a member of the Coalition for the UN We Need, co-sponsoring organization of MEGA: Mobilizing an Earth Governance Alliance and support the Coalition for UN Charter Reform.


DWB endorses the creation of an International Anti-Corruption Court and the UNMute initiative for expanding civic space at the United Nations.

News and developments in this program area

Webinar on democracy in global governance explores the EU and UN
An event in November 2024 explored what the United Nations and other international bodies can learn from the European Union when it comes to strengthening the inclusion and participation of
Inés Pousadela | 10.02.2025
A democratic global polity is more feasible and desirable than many think
This article was originally published on A spectre is haunting political philosophy—the spectre of world government. Theorists argue passionately about what a just world order would look like, with
Mathias Koenig-Archibugi | 20.01.2025
Book review: The Universal Republic: A Realistic Utopia?
The idea of a democratic world state is often dismissed or carefully avoided in political science discussions, as many academics are quick to emphasize that they do not advocate for
Hans Leander | 16.01.2025
Events in South Africa mark launch of Democracy Without Borders chapter
Democracy Without Borders (DWB) has launched a South African chapter which will further its mission to advocate for democratic governance locally and globally. The launch was marked by two events
DWB | 03.12.2024